
Search results for chadwick

Employee and Company Development Information-Whose Time Has Arrived

I was asked this question, "Sid, do we know what courses at our Graphic Communications Universities are available online for our employees to take?" I hesitated for a few seconds, recognizing his strategic question's implications.

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Sustained Comfort…Tends To Be…. Deadly

Over the past several decades, traditional and technical schools closed down their "print shops" - representing a declining source of skilled employees for our industry. The new information resource is a "Game Changer" for our industry.

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Is “Increased Profitability”…Really… A Priority….?

You may cover up and delay attending to that "growing list of sins" only so long…trying to get those extra revenue dollars to cover up that slowly growing list of neglected sins. 

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No Shortage of Talent…..Wanting….Needing….Development

Is there excitement and innovation in your organization, that’s being lead by department leaders or is everyone waiting and looking to you for answers and direction? Here's your solution.

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Your Thoughtful Customers Are Correct….To Be Nervous…..!

We’ve had a few well-run Peer Group Members recently experience unexpected "uncollectable bad debts." To collect a potentially serious late, significant outstanding balance, I’d learned to reverse engineer my customer’s position, and often, purposefu...

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