Competitors Work Together for Mutual Benefit Our industry challenges, hurdles, and goals are more similar than we might think. If we choose to face them alone, that’s our decision. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Together, we can conquer any obstacle and achi...
Building On Time, Error-Free, Profit Teams Print profits result from consistently producing complex, high-value projects on time and error-free. That type of professional-level production requires an accountable, initiative-taking team. If you're responsible fo...
Managing for Agile Decision-Making In organizations where competent people possess clarity of intent, maintaining control slows decision-making and limits agility. Print company managers may stifle much-needed, agile decision-making by over-controlling...
A Better Strategy…..Waiting…! In Sid’s article, he emphasizes that most development directors should use public databases, not just social media, to find valuable prospects and drive growth. Targeting organizations similar to top clients is essenti...
Tell Your Story or Competitors Will This article/video discusses how a company crafted and told its business story as a powerful competitive differentiation tool. Sharing your company story authentically compellingly can deepen relationships with clients...
Optimizing Groupthink for Mission-Critical Decisions Decision-making occurs throughout the day in a print company. So quick and easy decision-making among managers is often appreciated. However, mission-critical decisions call for optimal solutions. Optimizing solution e...
Nurturing New Leaders to Drive Success General George S. Patton said, "Don't tell people how to do things; tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results." In a like manner, owners and managers who nurture their employees' self-reliance a...
Am I an Effective Manager? Profitable print requires good managers. But how do you measure your effectiveness as an owner or a manager? Are we hampering the company with our management practices? Measuring management effectiveness is complicated...