
Search results for chadwick

When Confusion and Chaos Rein – Focus on Fundamentals

Don’t worry about what might happen, worry about what you need to make happen for your customers. They are your lifeline, your future, and they need you. Stay focused on what you don’t know that you should know and what you need to do better and can...

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Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable!

We can’t grow and achieve our goals if we are comfortable. Like you, I have had to re-think my way of doing business! Typically (in a comfortable setting), I would travel the United States educating and training printing companies in the Wide-Format...

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Lack of Follow-Through – a.k.a. “Neglect” – Guaranteed… to Cost You…

Your company and your customer contact personnel need to be educating customers on the superior value of digital media. How digital media will increase the value of almost all other combinations of media. Our industry, major and regional associations...

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Cal Poly Raymond J. Prince Endowment Reaches Initial Goal; Founders Recognized

  SAN LUIS OBISPO — Cal Poly’s Raymond J. Prince Graphic Communication Future Leader Scholarship Endowment reached a milestone in its fundraising efforts by procuring an initial $30,000, in time to vest the endowment before the end of 2020. The...

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What… Do You Celebrate…….?

When was the last time you wrote a special check or bought a high-end dinner for an employee or a department who went the extra mile? Do you celebrate birthdays and work anniversaries? Is there space in those gatherings for recognizing significant ac...

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