Printers Are You Exposing Your Experience?

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By Debbie Nicholson, Think-to-INK!

Knowledge Learning sign“Our customers don’t understand what it takes to manufacture and ship their projects—they have no idea!”  We must improve our ability to introduce customers to our end-to-end processes.

Previously, I loved watching the reactions of customers and prospective customers visiting our printing company for the first time – they arrive expecting a bunch of ugly and old equipment and leave with big smiles, questions about our capabilities, and scribbled notes about the incredible and mind-blowing opportunities we could produce for them. In other words – they were awestruck.

Whether your business is small, medium, or large, customers need a physical place to get a true sense of who you are – they want and need to see the building blocks of a productive work environment.

Yes, it is lovely to have lunch with your customers occasionally, but nothing is like being invited to your facility; it provides a clear window into what it’s like to do business with your company.

Let your company be your storyteller. Part of the experience of visiting your printing company is experiencing your company’s history. You can accomplish this by staging samples of your beautiful work over the years and ensuring you have an information card with the display.

I suggest a working tour if you want customers to understand the end-to-end manufacturing process. You could re-produce a segment of a recently completed project so they can experience it. There is nothing like seeing their project walk through the stages of production to help them understand why sometimes it isn’t possible to meet an unreasonable deadline. Again, they have no idea how long our processes take.

Imagine Believe SignBenefits of Inviting Customers to Tour Your Facility! (a few)

  • Tours establish a bond between you and your customers.
  • The closer your clients feel to you, the more likely they will buy from you.
  • They will see first-hand how much care and attention you put into every step of the operation.
  • Customers will get to meet managers, employees, and other staff members.
  • Your company will no longer be seen as just another PSP.
  • Employees will be excited to share their experiences and knowledge.
  • Customers may not always remember a lunch, but they will always remember a tour.
  • The tour educates customers on timelines and capabilities they didn’t know or understand.
  • You get the opportunity to introduce your newest equipment and offerings.


Note:  The primary reasons for taking a tour are learning, assessing, and teaching.

In Closing, Open your doors and invite customers to learn more about you and your company. Every tour will reveal possibilities not revealed in a phone call, email, or text. 

Customer-facing is still the best method of building long-lasting relationships.

Invite customers to Experience your Experience! 




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