Do You Just Think Big, Or Do You Do BIG?

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By Debbie Nicholson, Think-to-INK!

Big wave - Debbie NicholsonI’m no surfer, but is your Wide-Format company still riding the COVID-19 wave?

The Wide-Format printing industry turned on its head over the last several months.  Who would have thought that “not printing” could save companies, even become profitable in some cases?

Some of you are at capacity and even expanding your operations floor space to meet customers’ needs (Face Shields, Sneeze Guards, Barriers, Masks, Signage, Fulfillment, Storage, Installations, Bulk buying of PPE products, etc.) 

So, are you thinking big and doing BIG?  I believe you are!

When you are a production-minded facility, it is hard to step to the side and visualize your company creating unique and different items.  However, the reward can be significant – if you are willing to transform.

Understanding and putting into effect your company’s newly developed capabilities and skills should entice you to think more significant in the months and years ahead.

Sometimes we need to be pushed so we can lose our balance and then find a new foot-hold.

dominos - Debbie NicholsonNow, dealing with disruption in your business (just a few)?

If you want to change your (disrupted) current business state, a blunt assessment is deemed necessary; understanding and acknowledging the current situation’s exact causes is essential.

Make sure corrective actions are taken immediately!  It is not the time for inaction.

  • Extensive examination of your market
    • Did the market or customer buying patterns change
    • Did the market or customer trends change


  • Extensive examination of your customer
    • Are customer’s needs being met, consistently?
    • Are you maintaining sufficient customer satisfaction?
    • Did a more motivated and innovative competitor insert itself?


  • Extensive examination of internal factors
    • Is top leadership effective and committed?
    • Is middle-management leadership effective and dedicated?
    • Is inside / outside sales staff accountable and knowledgeable?
    • Is your customer service staff responsible and knowledgeable?
    • Is your production staff qualified, experienced and responsible?


In Closing:

Every choice you’ve made has led you to exactly where you are now.  And every decision will guide your future.  Your choices and decisions are a culmination of your thoughts, so think BIG and do BIG! 

By doing big, you will grow beyond your current business state and begin to create the future you have thought about time and time again.

Remember, be an Order Maker, not an Order Taker!



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