Postal Changes Rescinded Until After Election

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An American Printer Commentary 
By Andy & Julie Plata 
American Printer, and the OutputLinks Communications Group 

The US Postmaster General and White House have responded to the growing alarm related to actions perceived to negatively affect mail-in ballot voting.


Postmaster DeJoy announced: “To avoid even the appearance of any impact on election mail, I am suspending these initiatives until after the election is concluded:

  • Retail hours at Post Offices will not change.
  • Mail processing equipment and blue collection boxes will remain where they are.
  • No mail processing facilities will be closed.
  • And we reassert that overtime has, and will continue to be, approved as needed.
  • Person on scooter with envelopeIn addition, effective Oct. 1, we will engage standby resources in all areas of our operations, including transportation, to satisfy any unforeseen demand.”

Also, the USPS leadership task force on election mail will include postal union and management association leaders.


The latest threat to the print and mail industry is no longer digital displacement - it’s our own US government.

After DeJoy took office, critical changes related to equipment, personnel, and facilities were announced. Those changes generated a loss of confidence in the USPS which led organizations to consider digital mail alternatives.

Dual political attacks on vote by mail and the USPS, if successful, could lead to large reductions in mail volumes. As the print and mail industry is already suffering tremendous losses, this additional loss of volume could have been a near-fatal blow to the print and mail industry.


Congratulations to all stakeholders who lobbied to express concern about the potential harm to print and mail, one of America’s largest industries. However, the current political environment is a slippery slope on a steep hill. As soon as pressure is released, the sled can quickly return to its previous position.

Here are two examples as of August 20:

So, keep sharing your views and opinions with the USPS officials and politicians who affect the mail industry.

Empowering the print message for the digital age, 
Andy & Julie Plata 
Co-CEOs, American Printer, and the OutputLinks Communications Group



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