By Andy & Julie Plata
Co-CEOs, COPI & The OutputLinks Communications Group
Consistently updated technology is vital for our phones, computers, and cars to operate at peak efficiency and security. And that is also true for production print technology. So, let’s discuss two causes of upgrade procrastination and potential solutions.
Upgrade Procrastination: Financial
Yes, upgrading and maintaining your print-related technology costs money. However, if the financial aspect has kept you from upgrading, consider that the cost may be the same whether you upgrade or not.
Inefficient, outdated technology decreases quality and productivity, impacting your staff, clients, data security, and growth initiatives. And the resulting revenue and profit decreases will increase over time as the technology becomes even more inefficient.
The longer upgrades are delayed, the larger those unrecoverable revenue and profit losses become. Therefore, the question is how best to define, contain, and manage the cost.
Pay now or pay later: Upgrading your technology sooner versus later is ROI Positive. |
Upgrade Procrastination: Staffing
Upgrade projects require focused time from the assigned management and technical staff to maintain maximum production and minimize errors. Unfortunately, the lack of available staff or expertise can delay needed upgrades – to the detriment of the company and its clients.
Upgrade procrastination is a profit killer. |
Outsourcing Options
Outsourcing agencies and consulting firms can be contracted to manage upgrades. Larger print providers may use firms like Deloitte or Arthur Anderson, while smaller providers may rely on print-specific consulting firms. Sometimes a company’s technology suppliers can perform the upgrades.
However, outsourcing may not adequately address print providers’ cost and staffing concerns since many still delay needed upgrades.
Resourcing Option
May we offer an alternative? Our print technology company, COPI, offers a Resourcing System for cost containment with “as-and-when-needed ” expertise to assist your staff throughout the project.
Over the past three decades, COPI has provided print-related resources to hundreds of companies worldwide. COPI’s Resource Network provides OEMs, governments, print providers, and financial, retail, packaging, marketing, and manufacturing enterprises with a wide array of expertise.
COPI provides access to highly regarded project-specific expertise when and as needed.
COPI’s Resource Network
COPI’s resource network comprises independent contractor executives and technologists who early retired from the industry’s premier hardware and software suppliers and print providers. Experts are selected specific to each client’s needs and then contracted and managed by COPI. Assistance as-and-when-needed allows clients flexibility in using COPI resources for all or parts of their projects.
The Resource Differentiator
Rather than relying on a limited roster of on-the-bench employees, COPI’s global talent consortium provides as few or as many project-specific experts as-and-when-needed.
Hence, costs can be contained by having COPI only assist with tasks beyond a client’s time and knowledge resources. Task-specific expertise is provided only when needed.
The result is staff skill enhancements and cost minimization.
As a privately-owned enterprise, COPI’s clients receive owner-accountable service. With hundreds of engagements serving the world’s largest to smallest organizations, COPI’s business processes are proven and adaptable to all business environments.
COPI’s Resourcing System provides a differentiated, proven resource for upgrades and related production print projects.
A Client Upgrade Example
A recent multi-year project for an automobile manufacturer required removing a decades-old print spooler with a different supplier’s enhanced spooler. The project presented numerous challenges, including the COVID pandemic and lockdowns.
The sheer scope of the project was a significant concern. The spooler managed output to thousands of employees via hundreds of printers in offices, warehouses, assembly lines, and production printers worldwide. Affecting an assembly plant’s ability to print could result in slowing or shutting down the assembly line.
Another challenge was that employees who installed the original spooler had left the company. As a result, access to information about the installation, maintenance, and change documentation was difficult. In addition, some project managers and technicians would also retire or leave during the project.
A multi-country COPI resource team of ten experts experienced with the legacy and replacement spoolers assisted the client with their intricate, sensitive upgrade. COPI’s collaborative, as-and-when-needed resources provided expertise to supplement the client’s skillset throughout the multi-year project.
The result was projected completion ahead of schedule and under budget without print-related production plant slowdowns.
COPI’s Resourcing System serves mid-size companies in the same manner as the world’s largest corporations.
Let’s Discuss Your Options
We trust this introduction to COPI’s Resourcing System provides a cost-conscious, expert-rich option for your upgrade and other print technology projects.
To discuss your needs and see if COPI’s Resourcing System can assist, Click Here. >>>
Empowering the print message for the digital age,
Andy & Julie Plata
Co-CEOs, COPI & The OutputLinks Communications Group
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