Why Print? from Pages from Lane Press   

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By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.

“I not only use all the brains I have......but all that I can borrow.”…….…..President Woodrow Wilson


If our future is increasingly….. “Virtual eCommerce”….then Print… can improve…. yourand your Customers…ROI….!

Lane Press…in S. Burlington, VT…..just distributed their newest issue of their self-promotion publication --- “Pages….The magazine for those who live to publish”…..….titled…..”Why Print…?” (Note: Extra Copies are available …on request….!)

Our industry is starved…. for substantive content --- explaining… Why Print --- is the better investment….and… Why Print --- improves the ROI…of  all other forms of Self-Promotions.

Articles in this issue of….Pages --- include:

  1.  “Does YourPrint Magazine Earn Its Keep?...5 ways to make your publication work harder ….for you right now.”
  2. brand“How Print Magazines Are Powering Audiences – First Brand Marketing, In an increasingly digital age, associations and brands are connecting with consumers through an anachronistic technology that is newly relevant:… print words on a page.”
  3. “Print & Probability, Using print strategically to increase the odds of reader engagement.” Sidebar: “Increase Your Survey Responses.”
  4. Finding What Works, An anonymous tale of ad sales savvy.”
  5. The Role of Print In A Crisis, In challenging times, a print periodical may be out of sync with breaking news --- and therein lies the possibility for strengthening and deepening our connection with read.”

There are scores of minor articles --- in this issue of Pages --- many focused on interviews of successful publishers --- with targeted publications, explaining why they believe their targeted publications --- are successful.

Note: For a five-page research report on building a case for your print magazine - Email: [email protected].


We should no longer look to our associations --- new or previous….for research on…”Why Print…?             

We must get involved….for ourselves…..and use such sources, as Pages…..from Lane Press……to educate ourselves….our personnel….and certainly…..our customers….! (Note: Editor of Pages: Beth Renaud; Lane Press – 877-300-5932)

“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman”….Virginia Wolf



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