What….. Is Not Yet As Good… As It Could Be?……Do You Care……?

For more

By: Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.

“Yes….we’ve started conducting Major Account Reviews….what you call ‘Periodic Business Reviews’…for our Top Ten Accounts……No….we don’t write our Top Ten Buyer --- a Summary…. of what we learned…..and what we offered or promised to do for follow-up.....that takes a lot of time…….”……Anonymous


Account reviewWhat we don’t see is what happens….after we leave our Top Ten Buyer… after… we’ve conducted a Periodic Business Review.

Our Buyer’s boss comes in, and they talk….for almost 30 minutes, reviewing the impact…and value…..of what was discussed.

A copy….of the Supplier’s initial “Suggested Agenda” --- is shared with the Buyer’s Boss…….

Finally….the Buyer’s Boss says, “If they send you a Summary of what they learned, and what they promised to follow-through on, will you send me a copy ---I want to share it with our other departments……..and divisions….”


That Supplier’s Written Summary……containing:

  1. What we learned that seemed unusually important……..
  2. What we believe we can improve, and follow-through to improve…and…..
  3. When you should expect us to follow-through……..

Just doubled…maybe tripled….. the value of that Periodic Business Review ---for that Supplier….with their Top Ten Buyer organization.

"Few activities are as valuable from a key supplier for us.....as a Periodic Business Review/Major Account Review.....How can we train other suppliers to want to do this properly...?"................Major Bank V. President



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