By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.
“’Phones aren’t ringing…I don’t know how to change that...!”…..Frustrated CEO
Are you clear what you want your organization to accomplish….or is that subject…”Confidential”…..and…..on your… “Wish List”…?
If you….or your Business Development personnel….are waiting for your phones to ring… you’re making….a BIG mistake.
Peter Drucker said it about right: “The purpose of a business… is to create customers.”
At this moment, I count that we have six clients --- developing… “Inside Sales Teams”.
They are not waiting for their phones….. to ring. (And “yes”…social, communication, and organization skills for this role….are important…)
Inside Sales Teams are…with “light”… supervision:
--- contacting.……. target prospects….
--- contacting.……. current customers…..
--- contacting.……. neglected customers…..
--- sending-out introductory and follow-up emails to CEO’s… asking, “Who should we be contacting in your organization, for……?” (Note: they do receive responses.)
--- mailing (and emailing) articles re. ….”The Superior Value of Print”…as a promotion and communication investment.
--- mailing (and emailing) articles re….”What’s HOT….in Advertising Promotions”………
--- mailing (and emailing) articles re…..”What’s HOT…in Fundraising……to target charitable, non-profit organizations.
--- developing “personalized “Quote Letters” --- that are distinctive re. what this supplier understands the Buyer wants….and has difficulty obtaining….far beyond specifications……….
--- using a prepared…..profile of issues to discuss…when following-up a quote…..and…those discussions are different…. if they won the project….or… lost the project….regardless…..both paths point toward and lead to future opportunities…..
--- outlining what we need to learn about the target organization….for future reference….
--- writing personalized “Thank You” notes ---- every week…….
--- with planned…executed…purposeful…substantive….follow-up…follow-up…
Are you willing to post, publicly….weekly….who’s accomplishing your organization…?
What gets measured…. gets improved……!
“One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. “Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where do you want to go?” was his response. “I don’t know,” Alice answered. “Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t matter”……...Lewis Carroll
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