Sustaining Value  - That You’ve Created

For more


By Sid Chadwick

“…all great journeys begin with one step…"….Patrice Courson


golferToo many owners in our great industry are selling their companies to Private Equity – only to experience that they personally do NOT care to play golf every day, of every week, of every month, etc.  (Yes, Mary is waiting for you to paint the back bedroom…!)

And selling to a Private Equity firm is not terribly satisfying, for what pittance you receive for your decades of work and worry. (What started out in initial discussions as a great price – was whittled down, and then whittled down again, and again - to an embarrassingly much smaller number, with no real valuation given for – YOU…!)

In our CEO Peer Group, young managers (not all are family members) are being groomed – under the tutelage of the President – including attending our Meetings and Training Sessions – to slowly take the reigns of the company while sustaining the culture and learning the values and histories – of precious customers, suppliers,  and personnel – well worth learning – and acknowledging….!

Such a process can start – now.

business meetingIt always helps to listen to four-to-five other owners and developing managers – to hear how their processes – are moving forward, while ensuring their organization’s future.

Developing your next Senior Management Team – is a Win, Win, Win scenario.


Valued employees win – now they know their company, their jobs – are to be sustained, and not neglected by Private Equity – or torn apart and sold-off in pieces, and Equipment Brokers.

Valued customers win – they no longer have to quickly find a supplier they have to train – and become important to – again.

Valued owners win – as their years of patience, commitment, and vision – are sustained – and valued - for the ownership family, and their owner…!

In our CEO Peer Group, you are not asked to go it alone, or to back-door a Private Equity sale.

There are better options – waiting…!

The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors.”……Napoleon Hill




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