What Are We Intentionally… Improving…For A Better Company Future…?

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By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.

“…you introduced these research resources to me about a decade ago…and... they’re even better today…at our company, we use these resources – to uncover target prospects we need to be developing…and…to uncover target prospects for our customers…these resources are invaluable…we use these resources…every day.”…..Rob Narron, The Print Source, Wichita KS


Some Business Development organizations are striving forward…However,  too many are not, without much of a plan to improve how to develop….and better serve customers.

turn knowledge into actionLast week, to our Business Development Directors Peer Group, I reported that three top-performing members, for 2020, had already developed: (a) 25 additional new customers….(b) 28 new customers…and (c) well over 100 new customers…

All three are noticeably up in revenues (over double-digits)…all three are up in profitability….and all three have bought ---and are buying --- additional equipment.

All three (…but not just these three Members of our Business Development Directors Peer Group)… are using…. and/or learning to more effectively use --- “Public Databases”….for more correctly identifying who they should develop… as customers.

To my awareness, only the University of Houston’s Digital Media Program --- and their Dr. Jerry Waite… from their College of Technology… spearheaded their implementation of a dynamic course, focusing on… How to use Public Databases…To Solve Business Problems…for  generating additional revenue…for customers…of Print companies….

Impact of the course on elevating student’s understanding… of the importance of solving customers’ and Print companies business model issues through use of public Databases…has caused U. of H…. to move the course to a 2nd Year Course --- in order to impact an additional year of technical course learning… for their Digital Media students. (Note: U. of H. is up to 5 classes… of that single curriculum --- each academic year….with demand still outstripping their supply capability…taught by Adjunct Professor….Mr. Mark Hargrove.)

My observation is that…. better than 90%+ of our great industry’s Business Development professionals….still…do not know the Databases available…or how… and when… to use them….!

As a side-note, we just finished-up three plus weeks of Inside Business Development Team Performance Building --- for a West Coast organization…via Zoom…..There were Research instructions, and Research homework assignments --- every night…!

Short version: “We changed their Business Development Team’s view – of their personal future options and expectations…for success.”


Those organizations who have a burning interest in going forward successfully…need to get instruction on using public Databases…for solving customers’ needs for revenue…that inevitably leads to their own revenue increases.

This year…more than any other year in memory…represents a world that is changing…radically….and quickly…..And the old world we used to recognize…... “Do you have something you need a quote on…?”…and….“Quote and Hope” ..…represent a formula… for inevitable disaster….

Identification…and selection… of New Accounts… for development …as possibly the most important decision that occurs…. in your organization…needs to be…. intentional…!

Think of Public Databases… as a “Fulcrum Point”…for leveraging-up performance…for your customers….for your suppliers…and for you…!

Who really cares… about our great industry’s future…that includes your organization….?

“…Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream…. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same…”…Ronald Reagan, from Nikki Haley



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