By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting
“Culture eats strategy… for breakfast”…............……………Peter Drucker, Management Consultant, Author
Many organizations know …from what their data…from information resources…..what should be done…what cries for attention…...even what the boss asked to be done…..and then…. neglect to follow-up… follow-through…
Leave an issue alone….and its urgency for action can fade to invisibility….but….there’s almost always a bigger price to pay….
That pattern of organizational behavior…of silence… a lack of telling the truth….a lack of speaking-up…..especially to the boss….
Too seldom are we asking, “Why are we here…..where are we going….and do our actions… support our answers?
There may be silence….but people notice…..
Performance… in every corner…subsequently…quietly… subtly….suffers…..
Doesn’t that come at a cost…..but… whose cost….and how often …?
Recently I read a statement that got my attention. To paraphrase,
“People seldom tell the truth about important issues…and as a result….almost everything suffers….morale…..performance….accountability…. expectations for a better future……do we think people will give their best efforts when they’re not able…encouraged….to tell…and hear… the truth… do their best…..….?
Why don’t more organizations conduct…. Customer Surveys…?
Why don’t more organizations conduct…. Employee Surveys….?
Why aren’t we willing to “put on the table”…. what we are doing….or neglecting,,,,..that should not occur………that’s costing us….everyone..…daily……?
The answer includes, “Then we’ll know more…. of the truth….and we’ll have even bigger difficulty avoiding…… not acting… on what we know….….!”
How much…. how badly….to what level of personal, private integrity….do you want to improve your organization’s future…. your future….?
Silence can be a killer……
Every society….every community….every culture…..of every size….faces these issues……including the birth of our great country….including raising our awareness of what we are really dealing with….requires the voice…. courage…. leaders….orators…..that included…early on…. our great print industry….!
“If you want something new, you have to give up something old…..”…..……………..Peter Drucker, Management Consultant, Author
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