By Sid Chadwick
“For the first time in the history of our country, the education skills of one generation will not surpass, will not equal, will not even approach, those of their parents.”…..John Copperman, Inside American Education, The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas, by Thomas Sowell.
Could you and your organization….use some immediate…priceless…..PR….. …throughout….. your community……?
How would you like… your company’s name….to become… an admired Icon…in your community….at almost no additional cost to you…..?
The odds are high…. that your local school system… and especially … private schools… and their Teachers….are in desperate need of…."Student Workbooks"… especially…. ….for…"Elementary Grades"......working from home...!
What’s the self-promotion value… in your community….for those Workbooks… to have printed…. on their front (and/or back covers), words to the effect:
“These Workbooks are provided by:
Acme Printing (at Acme Printing’s Costs)
At this moment….every Printing Company…. has…. “partial cartons of paper”….In Inventory ……..and…. available Press time.
Every Printing Company …….has… Paper Merchant Suppliers…wanting to ….participate…...if….. you ask them….
Opportunities like this…occur…. once in a lifetime…..!
Doors to great corporations…..can suddenly open…..with you....!
Organizations we’ve never before served….ask us to come see them…..
“Sales Reps”… have “Samples” to show….that they’re proud… to present….
“Inside Sales Reps”….are mailing-out Samples….and following-up with Calls and eMails……..
“Price” is still important to all Customers…..yet….we’re… “now negotiating”…….They want….to buy…..from us….!
This precious…”system of learning”….for developing our community’s future… is in chaos….Opportunities to make a name for your organization….like this….that’s remembered…and talked about for decades…..are rare…..!
“I’ll tell you what leadership is. It’s persuasion and conciliation, and education and patience. It’s long, slow, tough work. That’s the only kind of leadership I know.”……From General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Call Sign Chaos, by Secretary General Jim Mattis, p. 19.
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