By Sid Chadwick
“For the last 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”…………………………...Steve Jobs
If you could no longer tolerate your company’s continued mediocre performances…and you publicly…courageously… initiated a Company Performance Improvement Program….wouldn’t it:
- Need to include… all employees…all departments…and all suppliers…?
- Need to identify and promote…the (short and long-term) benefits to your customers…your community…your employees…and your suppliers…?
- Need to track-and-post on walls… in each department - key performance objectives….and evolving changes…?
- Need to frequently identify – and promote – newly discovered issues… that could and need to be improved…?
Need to identify and promote….progress...and almost progress…that occurs…?
- Organizationally celebrate the progress… that occurs…(in ALL departments – as one Team…!)?
- Make sure senior management – is publicly committed…and publicly involved….!
Doesn’t such an initiative need to be grounded in a Business and Revenue Development Strategy – that focuses on which customer profiles… love your company – the most….?
Would your smartest customers… and prospects…want to be kept up-to-date …on your performance improvement objectives…and progress…?
Shouldn’t your Proposals… to your major Prospects and Customers…include the details…the progress…and the short and long-term objectives…of your “Continuous Performance Improvement Program”….? (Wouldn’t they really want to know and keep-up with your progress….? Wouldn’t they want a supplier… like you…?)
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”………..Sir Winston Churchill
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