Ego… vs…Mission

For more


 By Sid Chadwick

…“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.”……...2 Corinthians 12


fact fictionLack of execution, of relentless follow-through… of continuous improvement … not a mystery.

Evidence of false reporting….of “non-reporting”…is now recognized emanating from the highest offices of our land….mostly because participants can no longer hide their previous lies…and half-truths.

However, few of us are able to throw the first rocks…..For example:

  1.  In most organizations, there’s no written Plan or Business
    • Development Strategy follow-up from problem-solving discussions, especially if facilitated by an outside advisor.
    • There are few employee development opportunities…To move up, you have to leave.
    • The Training Programs the company keeps buying are not attended by senior management, are not about our industry, and seem to be – repeatedly worthless as measured by results….much because of little required follow-through.
    • There’s no “Continuous Improvement” program, especially for our Reps and CSR’s….as evidenced by the “Requests for Estimates” they turn in….which too often show little care for details…!
    • Seldom is a customer asked, “What do you wish were better – next time….?”…That IS followed-up.
    • Quote Letters represent a “race to the bottom price,” rather than an in-depth understanding of what the customer really wants, and doesn’t want.
    • There are few (really – NONE…!) “updated charts of department performance over time” – with objectives – on department walls - for employees and visitors – to review and question.
    • There are no scheduled Customer Trade Shows to attend ... for developing new customers and new business....Outrageous success requires (a) thoughtful preparations and Research, (b) relentless follow-up, and accountability, (c) Systematic  Reporting re. "Productivity and results from relentless follow-up" ...and... 'What should we do better next time...?'
  2. Our Graphic Communication schools don’t report…or publish:
    • Starting salaries of their graduates…and there’s an embarrassing reason for that…!
    • Feedback from their graduates’ employers re. “What needs to be improved…?”
    • Feedback from their graduates re…. “What you didn’t tell us…or prepare us to expect….or… make us learn….or… make us work on our communication skills…or make us learn what our employers would expect….!”
    • How relevant… and too often, increasingly irrelevant… is our curriculum? (Which graduates are earning the highest salaries….?)
    • Why does the University of Houston have one required course – with ten classes - each calendar year…? (Yeah…Professor Mark Hargrove….!)
    • That the school may not be accredited….or… that their accreditation may be “on probation.”

excited businessmanSUMMARY:

The good news: The marketplace has big ears….and doesn’t tolerate mediocrity.

Organizations with out-of-date senior management…and thinking, who don’t recognize the commitment and constant improvement that’s required in today’s environment… to serve customers……

Aren’t here much longer.

No matter how deep your hole, if commitment is made to correct your values, execution, communications and priorities….if you’re willing to do the work….your desired future is waiting…..

“I trained four years to run nine seconds, and people give up when they don’t see results in two months.”………Usain Bolt




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