By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.
“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others…..can not keep it from themselves”………….Sir James Mathew Barrie
My experience of the value of an email or hand-written note --- of acknowledgement….of appreciation --- can be worth a fortune…..from several perspectives…..
Examples include….but are not limited to:
- A Buyer who’s just sent you an order.
- A Buyer…..who’s just increased their order to you.
- A Buyer….who’s just ordered a “new item”… from you.
- A Buyer…..who’s just given you extra time for their delivery --- in the midst of your overscheduled plant.
- A Buyer…… who’s just asked for a Quote.
- A Buyer….who requested a Quote…that you didn’t win (but who did provide you the opportunity).
- A Buyer…..who’s asked for a Supplier Referral.
- A Buyer…..who just offered you a New Customer Referral.
- A Supplier Rep….who just offered you a New Customer Referral.
- A Supplier Rep…who made something happen you needed, but whose company was not prepared to make that request….happen.
I believe you get the idea… I ask, “What would one note a week of that nature possibly accomplish…… for you…. ….your organization….(and…. your recipients….)….?”
Now, lets turn to your “Inside Treasure” --- your own organization…. whom you count on every day….every hour…. to deliver what’s needed --- and even more…..
- In your organization…. Today…. there are individuals who are struggling….who could use a note of acknowledgement….a note of appreciation…..
- How many “thank you notes to key personnel”…have you written this month?........This week?
I will never forget the client, who was panicking when they called me…..whose CSR Team --- increased their revenues 16%....... over the previous summer’s revenues --- by my asking….my instructing…. their 13 CSR’s…. on how to be proactive with Customers….”but not sell them”….each CSR was requested --- to write….. at least two --- “Thank You Notes” --- every week…!
Not only were orders increased…..but new items were ordered…..every week.
Generally…. there are many deserving folk – in the proximity of your working space….every day.
Gratitude is not free….nor is it frequently, genuinely --- communicated.
My experience is that when deserving folks receive a hand-written… “Thank You Note” --- they find a way to keep it… on those days when nothing seems to be going as expected….they can privately pull that folder out, and read those too few rare notes….reminding them….they’re a decent human being.
What’s it worth to elevate someone’s day…by taking the time to say “thank you for…..”? (Well……. it’s worth a fortune….though I do not know when, or in what form…. that fortune…will appear.)
Anyone receiving too many “Thank You Notes”…?
“Friendship is like money…..easier made than kept”………Samuel Butler
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