By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”……..Margaret Mead
The Tide…is turning
I hope you and your Business Development Team….are receiving the …“Monthly Research Reports on The Superior Value of Print”… from your dues-supported major association.
Your customers, Sales Reps… and Inside Sales Team --- want…and need that information…. to share with their target customers.
The Tide…. is turning……..
More recently:
- Google’s earnings report this week…. were a shock to many in the advertising world …..Google’s… ”Advertising sales grew at the lowest rate since 2015…Google management offered no clear reason why….Brian White from Monness Crespi Hardt, accused Google of following a ‘botched’ quarter with (an earnings) call ‘littered with evasive commentary..” (Technology, April 30th).
Additional editorial included that Google is “…running out of space to cram ads…”…..
- Facebook faces fines… up to and exceeding $5 billion,… for lack of integrity regarding promises to safeguard users’ privacy.
- “Apple, purposefully continues… making it harder to track ads on Safari.”
The short version of this cultural evolution… is that most of us increasingly feel that… “our privacy is directly tied to our personal safety.”
It’s “personally creepy”….to receive an ad…. within seconds of a search…or conversation.. !
If your promotion life is grounded in SEO, you may want to start testing a supplemental strategy…..because…..It’s increasingly discomforting that we don’t know who is watching and tracking what we do…what we say…. or where we are.
And there’s something honest, with integrity…. when I receive a personalized postcard ad --- from an identified source --- in my mail… that fits my lifestyle and interests.
I’ve received informal, credible reports ….that our Paper Industry is not conducting ongoing, relentless Research on the…. “superior value of print”--- for reading, comprehension, and retention.
The same could be true…..of our industry’s associations.
Good fortune seems to occur…when..” opportunity meets preparation”.
There’s ongoing Research being reported….. on PrintInTheMix’s Website….but not nearly enough.
Our Business Development Teams and customers need solid research on the “Superior Value of Print”……for regular testing of their communications and promotion strategy .
If you’re in “publications” --- great research is available – for you to share with your Advertisers and Ad Reps
We frequently see how major, high-end car companies, for their dealerships --- regularly invest in direct mail, direct marketing --- and packaging --- that always…gets opened
“As scarce as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand…”…….Josh Billings
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