Unrecognized........Buying Signals

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By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.

“Let fear be a counselor….and not a jailer….”……Anthony Robbins


There’s growing evidence coming to my office…. that important phone and email conversations are occurring……..that may….or may not be recognized… for their potential.

From a different angle, having your CSR’s, Estimators, Key Prepress Associates, and Account Executives…. Calling….and sending email messages….to customers, target prospects, and neglected customers……is probably a good thing………….. ……however…..

Do you know what responses are occurring…..what they hear….in these potentially important conversations…?

Is there any Group Training on potentially important comments, and how to potentially respond, or follow-up….?

Email - Buying Signals Sid ChadwickWhat are the potential implications…. response options….and opportunities,… when you hear…or read in an email:

  1. We’re not sure what part of our communications… need to change…
  2. Our website is way out of date….
  3. Our sales literature needs to be updated…..
  4. Our mailing database… and email database… are really screwed-up…..out-of-date….
  5. Do you know anyone who can help us replace or reinvent our Trade Show Program….for gaining prospects….that Program may be history…at least for now…..?
  6. Our Marketing Department is “sequestered”…..trying to figure out how to improve ….both our prospect targeting….and our “close rate”…..nothing’s working….and we can’t ignore that condition any longer…..
  7. I’m not sure what you folks do…we’re familiar with your name…but don’t know much about your company…..
  8. Have we ever used your company before…..When did we do business….?
  9. Do you have some (updated) Sales Literature you can send me….and when you send it…can you tell me what you specialize doing (especially if your Sales Literature doesn’t make that clear)…..?
  10. Who else…that we might know…. uses your company…?

Man on Cell with watch - Sid ChadwickSuggestion: At the end of every day…..about 4:15…..with everyone prepared for your Group Discussion….get all your Customer Contact people on a single Conference Call line…so that everyone… can hear…and learn from the discussion….asking:

  1. What meaningful accomplishments occurred today, and what created that result…? (Ask questions….get the “back-story”….)
  2. What questions did customers…. ask you…?
  3. What did your contacts say…. was changing ….in their company…?
  4. What did your contacts want to talk about….?
  5. Where did you develop follow-up, and what’s that about…?


Traditional CSR’s and Account Executives….in these draconian conditions….may not be alert or prepared…. to recognize how an innocent statement…or question….can lead to a dramatic….. meaningful new working customer relationship.

Repeatedly, we learn of dramatic opportunities developing…through alert awareness…from a question that’s asked…..from an innocent (and not so innocent) communication…..like….”We’re still here….for you….operating up to 24-six ….with emergency turnaround capabilities…..!”

Our military……the best on this planet….understands……training for improved performance….should never stop.

What are you training….. to accomplish…?

“I wanted them to be asking…everyday….’What have I overlooked’ ”…….….Secretary of Defense, Gen. Jim Mattis, Call Sign Chaos




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