By Sid Chadwick
“…laptops also distract…students sitting next to the user…and a growing number of professors are banning laptops from their classroom…”……..Print-In-The-Mix”
My observation is that a significant number of commercial printers:
- Have higher-education customers (e.g., universities, community colleges, technical schools, etc.).
- Sales Reps are often looking for “useful information” --- to take to those customers, represented on campus by: (a) individual schools --- who produce quarterly publications , and (b) alumni/fund-raising development departments.
- There’s a major article, recently published --- in Print-In-The-Mix ---citing multiple Research Reports --- on the “negative influence” and “distractions” that technologies have on learning, reading, comprehension, and retention --- of what students are supposed to be learning.
- If you publish a company newsletter, or conduct Sales Education Meetings with Sales Reps and CSR’s, you might want to devote a segment to this Report --- encouraging your personnel to read, discuss, and then to share this information --- with targeted customers.
- To support that follow-through, you might want to have several discussions, and “roll-plays” --- on why this information is important, as you might present it to a college dean, or communications director.
The “Value of Print” --- is profound --- and yet, we’ve not told that story very well, as an industry.
As a result, only a few segments of our industry have predictably prospered to a significant degree, such as packaging (of a wide variety), personalized direct marketing/direct mail --- and targeted publications.
Frequent visits to explore the 100’s of articles at Print-In-The-Mix, published by The Cross Media Innovation Center --- at R.I.T. --- are worth your time….!.
“You can’t build a reputation…on what you are going to do.”…….Henry Ford
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