Don’t Wait for……“What’s Next?...”

For more


By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.

“All of us can handle adversity…most of us can not handle uncertainty…each employee …each customer…. needs to know that this company will be a strong and stable place for them…into the future…that said, this is just the end of week one..…”……...CEO Peer Group Member…During “Check-in


Sid Chadwick Time for ActionWith more time…. than anyone wanted or ever expected….most customers are reexamining…. their organization’s market position….

Most customers are… needing to change something….including…(but not limited to)……how they attract new business….... their communications strategy……...their communications content….

They need someone they are comfortable talking to….someone to “brainstorm”…..ideas….. …..suggestions……..options…….strategies……that elevate….improve….their company’s current position……..and performance.

Through subsequent discussions….be aware….sensitively aware….that your customer(s)….don’t know….your capabilities….(remember our discussion some weeks back… about the ongoing… invisible “drag”….
on your company’s performance…for lack of attractive printed self-promotion materials….that would encourage your customers review…and discussion…during their planning sessions….?)

Here are a few “snippets”…. for how …and what….to engage customers…even (or especially)…. “old… forgotten customers”…during these haunting times….as everyone needs to know “what”….and “who” …they can come-to for improving…. both their “Internal …and External…Communications…Performance.

Discussion Points… :

  • We’re solving a number of customers’ communication problems….do you have any you’d like to talk about…?
  • Who do you want to be more effective in communicating with…..?
  • Any thoughts on how your communications strategy needs to change…? How do you measure results…?
  • Though the answer understandably may change….what are your objectives for the 2nd half of 2020….and 2021…? What are your priorities…?
  • Would now be a good time to discuss consolidation of suppliers --- for better use of your time... performance…and value…?
  • What specific communications from your organization need improving..?
  • How up-to-date is your website…? Does your website create the focus and emphasis you want to create…?
  • How easy is it to order from your website…? To find what you offer…?
  • How are your customers changing? (Everyone’s customers are changing.)
  • How are your sources of new business-changing…? (Everyone’s sources of new business….is changing.)
  • Would there be any benefit to our tracking your customers order patterns, and providing them with promotional incentives…?

Provocative Conversation Questions … that purposefully create a “tension” in the conversation -- such that… customer movement starts…rather than more delays….and more periods of “procrastination”….:

  • What do you think eventually occurs….if you change nothing….if you do nothing…?
  • If your organization makes… no changes…no improvements….how does that eventually affect you…and your department…?
  • If anything were possible…what would you really like to accomplish..?
  • How would you… like to continue this conversation?
  • How would you… like me to stay in contact?

Note: Here's one from a CEO Peer Group Member: "We love sports and our local schools' athletic programs in our community, and feel bad for seniors who missed their basketball tournaments and baseball we called the coaches and asked to create (Wide-Format) Giant Banners --- for them to post at key intersections near their schools, listing names of senior players and their sports.....wishing them 'Safe and Successful Futures". We felt good doing that.....some of the schools insisted on paying us for the Banners.....and the goodwill in our community.....I can't adequately measure.....but I believe they'll remember us --- as we get back on our feet --- though that wasn't our initial motivation." 


The beauty about implementing needed changes….is that if your decision isn’t the right one…isn’t working….you can watch the change you’ve made….closely….and if it’s wrong, you… can change it….!

To not change what isn’t working… deadly.

Most of your customers…are in the midst of asking themselves…..”What do I need to change…going forward…what do our customers like most about us…and why…?”

I’m of the opinion… our Customer Survey Capability….for unlocking treasures of additional business….should be very busy ….second half of 2020…

“Never think that you’re impotent…..Choose how you respond…”…Call Sign Chaos, Secretary of Defense, General Mattis



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