By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.
“I was startled to see…and hear…our CSR’s and Reps….calling ALL our Buyers….even from two and three years back….many did not want to let us off the phone…..they needed us to call them…to talk to us….and ….often…….not about print…!”…………CEO Peer Group Member
Business…is still….about….. personal…. mutually beneficial… relationships……
May God help those organizations….who do not have personal relationships… …..with their customers……and their most valued employees…..!
A treasured client tells me…. this morning…how his company owner is daily, personally --- walking the Production floor…..he knows the first name….of every employee….he tells me that just that activity……settles everyone….and… he believes that production quality tends to reflect employee-employer relations.
I see “Online Learning”…becoming a more user-friendly, available option… especially for our great industry…for students…for all adults…..and their preferred schools. Instructors for “Online Learning”….can now be “the best instructors available”…… Both students and instructors… longer have to be on campus….and that…. opens-up curriculum… be updated… new curriculum…..rather than…. out-of-date……curriculum.
I see company owners…and Production management…..personally more proactive….with Major (really….all) Customers….and senior management more into “measurement”....”reporting”…..and…. “accountability”… re. what’s needed….and what’s expected……
New Business Development models…. Some radical…..are in motion….and….standards of personal service and accountability…. rising… “consolidation of suppliers” ….continues…and customers find their voice…for making suppliers a proactive partner…. to their strategic plans.
“Open Collaboration among Peers”….is a “Performance Improvement Model” ….. superior to anything now generally accepted….that is not yet accepted at our Associations…….when the politics change….that great Model has a chance……
I see a whole new generation of technically grounded…..professional women in senior management….who know the importance of teaching….and listening…..raising the organization’s standards…..and exceeding customers’ expectations……
Hopefully….the days of “technology for technology’s sake”…… are behind us…..your company’s design needs to be…from the marketplace --- back to you…..if the customer doesn’t understand…and the supplier can’t explain it in customer financial-benefit terms…’s close to worthless…
I see “higher standards for credit”…and “credit extensions”……too many of our great industry’s organizations….are unknowingly in jeopardy….because… for example….. we’ve produced product and service…where the customer, we learn at the 11th hour….can’t forward funds….for postage…..!
I see the Future….Differently……!
We are all vulnerable…in ways we were not expecting….and have not yet…. recognized….
New…. unrecognized Risks…..create Stress….of multiple designs…..!
“Systems Thinking” …asks us…to employ everyone… be part of “New, Elevated Standards”……and then…..Take Another Look at What Changed….at What…We Changed…..
It Looks Different…..and ….Deserves…..Another Review.
Whether you like it or not….when you look again……you’ll see something new and important…not previously seen…..
That’s partly why….you want your Team constantly involved….a Team effort…..
“No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings.”….. Peter F. Drucker, Management Consultant, Write
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