By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.
“Initiative and audacity must be supported, whether or not successful…..Once you’re committed, hesitancy in battle can expose other units to failure. I needed all hands in the fight, sharing the burden…… equally”…………………….Jim Mattis, Call Sign Chaos
Yes….all of us…are in a war… most of us have not experienced….
Most of us need leadership….by Example…..
A long-term V.P. of Business Development, this week…. sent his Sales Reps (both Inside and Outside) home…his CSR’s and Estimator(s)…..remained at their office posts --- all with their lists of who to contact….and clear marching orders:
- Call your customers…..all of them…..
- Call your Target Prospects……all of them…..
- Document in our CRM…. what you learn that seems important…..
- Don’t…use emails to contact them….except…perhaps….to provide the information they need…such as how to contact us….
- Ask them how they’re doing…
- Is there anything we can help them with….
- You are not calling to sell Print….unless they bring it up.
- At 4:00 today…..we’re all on a Conference Call….to share what each of us has accomplished today….from the good folks we contacted….we’re documenting what’s reported…..everyone in the company….gets a copy….it’s Confidential…!
- And….this is to continue….every day…..instructions will be modified….as needed…..!
- Note: Today….. already….has a $5,500+ Order....that was increased to $6,500….we didn’t have when this day began…...because of a “reassignment” of an “old, forgotten customer” --- who had not bought from us in well over a decade --- and --- was reassigned to our newest Sales Rep….And….all of us….made that happen….!
- We’re also offering…“advice and counsel”….to a long-term competitor company owner --- whom we respect highly --- who’s “just outside”… our immediate trading area…..!
We are all being afforded….a “Second Chance”….to listen to someone….who may need someone to talk to….
A “Second Chance”….to let an associate know how much I count on them, with their skills….and experience….and judgment….
A “Second Chance”… let a Supplier know…. how important they have been….and are….now that we have the time to slow down…..and reestablish important relationships….
A “Second Chance”… let someone… from home… know…..that they are very important… my personal world……!
I’m often, privately humbled….. when I reflect on how my parents….my grandparents….and especially my great-grandparents (….one…who came home from Appomattox Courthouse, minus a leg…lucky to be alive….and proceeded to marry Maggie, who’d had a son by him while he was away at war…who subsequently lost everything to Reconstruction….and never again owned land) …..all lived through horrific times…….it’s time…it’s my honor…….for me…for us…..perhaps again…..”to carry the load”…for us…..for ours….and possibly…. a few others......
“We don’t have the luxury of being average”…Sterling K. Brown, Jr., The Today Show
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