Its Not Too Late

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By: Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.

“We don’t give huge sums of our money to Non-profits with great Missions….. We give huge sums of our money to Nonprofits --- with Great Leadership.”… from Scott Rempe,  Sr. V.P. of Sales & Marketing, Excalibur Direct Marketing, During A Conversation With A Great Donor


Last week’s column about thoughts on the upcoming PRINT19 and how to make it of more value to attendees had me thinking of even more ideas.

I’d like to expand on last week’s suggestions, for what substantive, performance improvement….. Educational Sessions --- could be offered -- -to improve attendee’s profitability ---- and Business Development --- who attend PRINT19’s Education Sessions (It’s Not all about Digital…!) I came up with titles, walk aways and even suggest a few people who would be good to present the sessions. Here are my additional ideas.

  1. Managing Quote Logs: Learn “How” -  and “Many of the (Immediate) Economic Benefits --- to proactively managing your Quote Log.” What you Should Do/Not Do; How much extra business you can gain --- immediately --- when you implement this process….and…. What critical steps make those extra revenues…. happen…….!
  2. How To Increase Your Bindery and Press Room’s Performance: Just by measuring, reporting, and charting your performance, over time, you can expect a steady improvement in lower waste, increased Press speeds, lower spoilage, increased revenue, and profitability. Suggested Instructor: V.P. of Operations, Dana Sweeney, Lane Press, S. Burlington, VT
  3. What a Challenging, Successful Merger --- Looks Like: Regrettably, many mergers look great on paper, but after two to four years, many are a dismal failure. Suggested Presenter, Doug Grant, CEO of WestAmerica Communications, who with support from a dedicated staff and partners, made employees for two radically different business models --- a priority. Today, they’ve exceeded their wildest expectations, with subsequent multiple acquisitions. Hear how they did it, what’s important beyond the financials --- and are still doing it….!
  4. How To Set-up Great Marketing and Storage & Fulfillment Programs --- That Support Your Clients --- and Especially Their Trade Shows --- might be called the “Holy Grail” --- for integrating different suppliers support --- in a seamless manner. Call it “Stickiness”. Storage & Fulfillment has a higher ROI --- than almost anything else you can find in your great menagerie of services. Wayne Marshall, President of Flat-Out-Branding, THE recognized experts to “moving fast” – and “doing it right” --- could share with you how to become the most valuable supplier your top clients have, and especially in supporting their Trade Show investments.
  5. How to Develop Mailing Donor Profiles, and Successful Modeling --- for Outrageously Successful Fundraising: Scott Rempe and John Loftis of Excalibur Direct Marketing, love working with Nonprofits. They’ve learned to ask the right questions, and make “The Difference” --- for Charitable Organizations --- of a broad range. They are entertaining with their war stories, and could provide multiple strategies, and critical questions --- that get you to the next level --- for organizations needing to “raise funds --- for deserving causes”.
  6. Inside Sales Teams: Only a few companies are barreling forward with increased productivity, and margins --- through ongoing Recruitment and Development --- for Inside Sales Teams. Learn the critical issues to be considered --- from different Business Models. How to use “YouTube” --- to support your Inside Sales Reps’ New Business Aspirations. And create THE Competitive Edge --- for target prospects and customers --- for your organization. Suggested Presenter: Rette Collins, President of Panaprint, and current Chairman of PIAG.
  7. Wide-Format: Debbie Nicholson, President of Think-to-Ink, is the premier expert in areas --- that are critical to your Wide-Format profitability. What materials and design issues ---should be considered? What questions should be asked?  What questions does your Request for Quote Sheet ask to be answered…? How to successfully integrate offset Sales Reps into Wide-Format customer development..? What suppliers offer the best educational training, and Certifications…? Goal would be to have you leave with ways to lower your waste, increase your through-put, and increase your revenues per hour!
  8. Upgrade Your Pressroom’s Performance – and ---Triple Your ProfitabilityEveryone gets into a silent, temporary rut, somewhere along the development of their company. Too many organizations are wasting fortunes, not seeing their waste of time and materials ---  that could be eliminated, while also not seeing the value of that waste --- turned into profitable revenue. Ray Prince, Dean of Press Room Performance, is the best person on the planet, for this program.
  9. Employee Performance Reviews --- are About Improving Your Organization’s Performance, while increasing employee recruitment and retention. Yet, most organizations don’t conduct Performance Reviews. And those that do, would too often --- rather not. Our anecdotal observation is that most employees --- want a Performance Review. Additionally, Performance Reviews are not about an increase in pay. This session could take you through the How-to’s --- and clarifies what should be accomplished --- for steadily upgrading your organization’s performance, through improved Employee Recruitment, Orientation, Retention --- and Supervisor-Employee working relationships.
  10. Recruitment, Training, and Retention: Most organizations in our great industry are starved for skilled employees --- thus the motivation for acquisitions. Most profitable organizations are growing 10 – 20%. Thus the need for acquiring skilled personnel. There are multiple strategies and issues available, for successful recruitment, testing, and retention of great talent. This session, predictably --- should be packed (sold out).
  11. Use of Public Databases – for Improving Use and Value of Print. As an anecdotal observation, Public databases are used by less than 1% of Sales and Marketing executives --- to create and use Print --- for customers’ Business Development. The goal of this session, should be to introduce you to multiple databases --- that you can access from your computer --- at your office, for elevating what your customers are wanting to achieve. When you become the “Go-To Person” --- for new and current customers, you increase their use of Print. This is a real hot button of mine.


As we approach PRINT19, let’s work together to have improved “Education Session experiences, that testify to, “Who’s the Customer?....or….Its Not too late…?

So what can you do to make PRINT19 better for you and your company? Sign up to be a presenter on one of the above topics or on a topic you feel will help our industry. Reach out to the presenters I mentioned and let them know if they present you will be there to learn.

As you can see from the above outline, our industry --- is not just about Digital….!

And smart, forward-looking organizations, are looking for better and smarter ways to improve performance of their company resources.

How we manage and develop our resources, and especially our personnel --- makes all the difference --- as our personnel are the one, most expandable resource….!

And --- from that one perspective, there are numerous opportunities --- to improve our profitability.

Finally, as a correction to last week’s column, the new SGIA Show, is now known as 2019 Printing United, Dallas Texas, October 23 – 29. 

“How we manage information, determines what we accomplish….!”….Dick Gorelick

Click for information on how to present at PRINT19






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