By Sid Chadwick, Chadwick Consulting, Inc.
“I’m not happy….they told me everything was ‘just fine’….but that’s not what their Surveys say…I need to go to work....”…Top Performing Account Executive
“Personality Profiles”… tell us that approximately 50% of our population does not like to deal with negative information, or confrontation. (Don’t ever believe you have all the negative information.)
Most of our Buyers are female. And, psychological testing….continues to confirm that 60% of women are of the profile of: Avoiding giving negative feedback… and avoiding confrontation.
If your buyer is unhappy about something… may be the last to know.
That Account Executive also learned that one-out-of-three customers told her…on her returned Customer Surveys-….. she was getting only 11% - 20% of their business…..when she thought she was getting….way over 50%.
Finally, over half of her customers who responded to her company’s Customer Survey --- told her: “YES” --- we’ll give you a referral……..!
From the moment I sense “Comfort” and “We’re really good, aren’t we…!”….I start digging……there’s always more to be improved……and gained….!
“The Purpose of a Company Is To Create and Serve Customers”….Peter Drucker
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